Narrator:What if... one tiny crack... was just the beginning... of the biggest event of them all? 旁白:如果……一條小小的裂縫……只是另一個……史上最大事件的開端? Sid:Whoa! Excuse me. 喜德:哎呀!不好意思。 Diego:I don't think that was you. 狄亞哥:我想那不是你的肚子在叫。 Manny:Ellie! 瑪妮:伊麗! Ellie:Manny! 伊麗:蠻尼! Sid:Hold me! 喜德:抱我! Narrator:When the world falls apart... 旁白:當世界分崩離析…… Manny:No matter how long it takes, I will find you! 蠻尼:不管要花多久,我絕對會找到妳! Narrator:...history's greatest heroes will begin their biggest adventure ever. 旁白:……史上這幾個最偉大的英雄即將展開最偉大的冒險旅程。 Sid:My mother once told me that even though things look bad, there's a rainbow around every corner. 喜德:我媽媽說過就算情況看起來很糟糕,彩虹還是依舊會出現在天際。 Diego:Was this before she abandoned you? 狄亞戈:這是她拋棄你之前說的話嗎? Sid:Yes, it was. 喜德:是的,沒錯。 Sid:Hey! There really is a rainbow around every corner. 喜德:嘿!天空真的出現彩虹了。 Manny:Seriously? 蠻尼:真的假的? Narrator:This year... 旁白:就在今年…… Sid:We're being rescued! We're being rescued! 喜德:我們得救了!我們得救了! Manny:We can all go home. 蠻尼:我們都可以回家了。 Captain Gutt:Battle stations! 葛特船長:就作戰位置! Captain Gutt:Surrender your ship or face my fury. 葛特船長:不把船交出來就等著被收拾吧。 Manny:Oh, no. 蠻尼:噢,糟了。 Narrator:...the end of the world... 旁白:……世界末日…… Sid:Granny, grab my paw! 喜德:奶奶,抓住我的手! Granny:No way! This is my first bath in decades! 奶奶:才不要!這是我幾十年來第一次洗澡耶! Manny:I don't want to see that. 蠻尼:我看不下去了。 just the tip of the iceberg. 旁白:……只是冰山一角。 Louis:We're all gonna survive this. 路易士:我們都會熬過去的。 Louis:OK, maybe they won't. 路易士:好吧,他們可能不行。 Manny:They're sirens! Don't listen to them. 蠻尼:他們是海妖!不要聽他們的。 Siren:Sid! I adore a sloth who cares nothing about personal hygiene. 海妖:喜德!我超愛不注重個人衛生的樹獺。 Sid:That's me, baby. 喜德:那就是我啦,寶貝。 Diego:We made it through storms and tidal waves... what more can they hit us with? 狄亞戈:我們熬過了風暴和巨浪……他們還能拿我們怎麼樣? Manny:No one's gonna stop me from getting back to my family. 蠻尼:誰都不能阻止我回去和家人團聚。 Sid:Holy crap! 喜德:老天啊! Narrator:Ice Age 4: Continental Drift. 旁白:《冰原歷險記 4:板塊漂移》。 Shira:You're pretty soft for a saber. 席拉:以劍齒虎來說,你算很溫和的。 Diego:Excuse me! I happen to be a remorseless assassin. 狄亞戈:不好意思喔!我恰好是個冷血無情的殺手。 Sid:Diego-poo! Hey, I made you another coral necklace. He keeps losing them. 喜德:小狄狄!我又幫你做了一條珊瑚項鍊。他老是搞丟。